Sitting in the cafe, doing nothing, as I sip my coffee ALONE. It’s warm. It’s cozy. And I’ve never felt so serene and relaxed in the longest time.
All thoughts flow.
As I enjoyed my time with myself and as I take in the constant flow of random thoughts and ideas running through my head, I came to realize that I am the only person who is sitting alone at the cafe. Doing nothing that is. Everyone seems to be preoccupied with something.
I truly understand as I’ve been there before. I can’t tolerate sitting alone or waiting too long for someone. I get fidgety. It feels awkward. I look awkward. I always find something to do. Most of the time I end up grabbing my phone. Just so as people will think I am busy with something else and that I don’t feel alone. But really I am too conscious of people looking at me perceiving I am lonely. *suggested read: Practicing Oubaitori in our Life
Well, that was before.
Through time, I learned that it’s definitely okay to be alone. In fact, I enjoy my time alone. Being alone does not always mean you are lonely. Yes, the first time I ate alone was a real challenge. I work in a hospital and waiting for your colleagues for you to eat together would be impossible. You’d starve! I admit, it was too awkward at first but I then realized that nobody cared. It was just all in my mind. Being alone then not just when eating became much easier to me. I did start focusing on something else. At a cafe I’d be ‘busy’ with my phone or while sitting alone in a bench, a book would be my accompaniment. Later on it became much easier. I don’t need a phone or a book with me. I’d be at peace sitting alone sipping my coffee or just doing nothing.
Ahhh the art of doing nothing.
I realized that I started being comfortable sitting alone when I stopped caring what everyone around me is thinking of me. I didn’t care. I just focused on myself. And that’s what’s important – ME. *suggested read: Shikata ga nai – The Art of Letting Go
Now, when was the last time YOU did nothing?
In this fast-paced world that we live in, it is nice and sometimes necessary to slow down and for once not be obliged to do anything! It is a healing feeling, soothing and energising.
A healing feeling indeed. Best gift for yourself.