I sighed. I am so stuck in a rut. Dragged down too long instead of moving forward. I sighed again. I badly need a life reset.
Life is annoyingly unpredictable. Keeps us guessing on what comes next. Our decisions we thought was best a year ago turns out to be not. How easy is it to shift priorities, end relationships, and move jobs? Letting go of what we currently have for a chance to start all over again is a huge deal. But, what if?
At times, when life heats too much, I’d just want to know where to find the life reset button we all want to have. We all try to do the best we can, yet sometimes, we see no progress and it is emotionally hurting us.
A life reset is not as simple as accepting defeat. It is a complete understanding of the current situation you are in. Trying to fix things over and over again might not be a good idea for all occasions. Noticing the need for a life reset is itself an achievement. Being able to do something about it is another.
So, go give yourself a chance of a better change. We only have one shot at life. There is no shame in starting all over again. We all have that moment where we want to disappear so bad. Wether we are scared, embarrassed, or just tired.
If you feel like you need a life reset, take a quick life review and achieve big changes with few small steps.
Information overload is real. We are bombarded with unlimited data that we often times don’t even ask for. Being online all the time adds to that. Give yourself a break and enjoy life as it is. Unplug as long as you want, as long as you need, and as long as you can.
Clear your mind.
Free from external triggers, it is now easier to clear your cluttered mind. Sort your thoughts and ultimately identify what’s been bothering.
Take a closer look on your life from within. Ask yourself these important questions. What needs changing? What doesn’t? Are you contented? What can I do to make things better?
Forgive the past.
You can do nothing more but accept what had been and the life lessons it bestowed. Dwelling on not so happy memories and experiences will continually hold you down.
Envision the life you want.
Set priorities and identify clear goals. Imagine the future. It is okay to dream. It’s what we aim.
Take control of your life.
You are your own life’s leading character. Go direct it.
Most people do a life review at the end of each year but honestly you can do this anytime you feel like you need it. Go try and eventually it’ll lead you to a new path.