A one day at a time thoughts may be negative, we doubt ourselves, being eaten up by our own thoughts and emotions. Sadly, by calling the universe all the negativity we manifest them, and when we become the victims of circumstances we start to ask ourselves these questions;

“Did I do it right? Did I do it wrong?

Was my decision right or not?

Am I in the right path or not?

Should I quit? Should I continue?

Is everything just a plain routine?

What should I do? What am I? Who am I?

I don’t know what will happen to me In the next 5 or 10 years.”

We all have different impediments in life. We even have our own thoughts that challenge us and our bodies that manifest what our minds feed. When we feed our minds with negative thoughts, we see the world differently. We question our daily events but we do not dare to understand them. Understanding takes time and effort. You must get to know yourself first, accept, and challenge. Treat yourself as a plant that someday will bloom flowers. Imagine these flowers are your mindset, characteristics, traits, and skills. The more you take care of these, the happier you will become.

It is never too, late, to change and do things, one day at a time. See things from a different perspective, understand, accept and respond accordingly.

I just know what I have is, today. A day where I can always restart and do something that may or may not be beneficial to me. A day that may not be significant today but may be significant tomorrow.

Now, I’m trying to slow my pace and always bear these Japanese Concepts in my mind;

Oubaitori Instead of comparing ourselves to others.
We should be focusing more on our personal growth.
Life is a Marathon not a race.
shikata ga nai
Shikata Ga Nai – Accept and Let go those non-modifiable.
Let us just accept, some things can neither be controlled nor changed,
the best way to handle is to, simply move forward.
Wabi- SAbi - Finding Beauty in imperfection.
We are not only made of imperfection, but somewhere we just don’t see it, there is something exquisite.
Kaizen – Simply continuously improve. One-day at a time changes can accumulate and will someday make a difference.
Ikigai – “The reason for living”. We are all here for a reason.
You are not just nothing but you are something,
you might not understand it now but you will find it.
Once you find it, embrace it and you will have a happier life.

These 5 Japanese Concepts; Oubaitori, Shikata ga nai, Wabi – Sabi, Kaizen, and Ikigai. Are just only a few among all concepts and practices, that will serve as your guide when you are starting to feel lost and doubts your potential. Ganbatte !


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